A necessity for every dive, the Halcyon Defender Pro Safety Spool attaches perfectly to a Halcyon Surface Marker Device and is constructed in a way to make submersible deployment even safer with a built in solid centre reducing the likelihood of any finger catches. Coming in a mixture of lengths and including a Halcyon Stainless Steel Double Ended clip this one piece solid Delrin spool is incredibly robust and will make your diving safer and easier.
An addition for cold water or glove wearers the Easy Grip Adapter can be purchased by special order. An Easy Grip Adapter can be used with any Halcyon Spool and can easily be attached via the central hole by a stainless steel bolt and can improve grip and gives you the option to lock the line should you need
- Available in 30m, 45m and 60m lengths
- Fitted with #24 White Line
- Stainless Steel Double Ended Clip included
- Delrin Housing with in-built centre reducing finger catches
- Optional special order of Easy Grip Adapter - contact us via